Red Velvet Cake=Awsome

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Some of you may not know this, but I do not appreciate cake. (gasp!) I do not like the taste, or even the sickeningly sweet frosting used on many a Birthday Cake. That is, I dislike all cakes except: THE RED VELVET CAKE. The King of Cakes (and a trivia tip for you, used mainly at Southern weddings and Male Bachelor's parties) is like nothing before it. It is dense, thick, chocolaty (yet not over overpoweringly sweet) and add all this up with a minuscule 2 oz. of red food coloring, you get this delicious cake. The recipe (Here) is for one that claims to have come from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (I'm not sure about the legitimacy of this fact, but it still tastes wonderful) and includes a Nutritional Facts for those that like to know what they're ingesting (it is probably better that you make and eat the cake before reading the Nutritional Facts, just fyi). I do hope you persons like this cake as much as I do.

Edit: Here's the recipe I use, it is mostly the same, except that the flour is doubly sifted. Plus the author of the site has Red Velvet Cake Cupcakes, and there are R.V.C. Balls from another author, to complete the Red Velvet Cake MADNESS!

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John Hodgman v. Mr. President

A recent find, this hilarious video shows comedian John Hodgman (some might know him form the "I'm a PC, and I'm a Mac" commercials, or more notably the author of "The Areas of My Expertise" and "More Information Than You Require") accuses Mr. President of being a nerd, and quizzes him to test out his 'nerdiness.' It is hilarious in the way that Mr. Hodgman can only pull off. (Video Run-Time: 14:03)

Link to Gizmodo Article

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Default Router Passwords

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The Interwobs and Routers go hand-in-hand, but many times one refuses to function and must be fixed. There is not much you can do about the Internet (it is kept up by a nifty robot that travels all around the world), but a recently found web-page offers you the default admin passwords/user names to many (if not all) routers. It is informative, and possibly helpful if the need arises, and if a client has not changed their router's default settings.

Default Router Passwords

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Number Multiples, Yeah!

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Here's an interesting post for all you Know-It-All's and Nerds
I recently had a numerical multiples fight (duple, treble,....quattuordecuple, etc.) and I did a quick Google search, and found this site, Prefixes & Words Based On Latin Number Names that starts at single and continues to decemmillesimal (10,000), so next time you enter into a geeky number multiples battle, Be Prepared! Be Ready! And Dominate!

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File Extension Database

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Here's a Database of all the file formats out there (quite helpful if you have downloaded a strange file, and cannot quite remember what programs use it, what the file even is, and how to use this file). It's great fun just browse through to simply see what .ZIP or .ISO really stand for. Read and Enjoy.

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A Boycott of FOX, Who Will Join Me?

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Now, this is a blog, and I am free to express my opinions (feel free not to listen to them, I don't care). One such opinion I have is my stance on Violence. Recently, the debate surrounding media's involvement in crime/instigating fear, abortion's morality, and the taboo of Late-Trimester Abortions. As such, the murder, yes MURDER, of Dr. Tiller a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about how the media effects/shapes of lives and ideas. One such is the Slander that Mr. Bill O'Reily spews on his show every night. I, for one, find his show to be crass and rude for those sakes' alone. Mr. O'Reily's use of the term: "Tiller the Baby-Killer" repeatedly on his show only exists to instigate violence, to poignantly shove his views and ideas (as well as ideals) on America, instigating violence, fear, hatred, and societal problems that lead only to conflict. I, for one, will be BOYCOTTING the FOX network, it's news, and all of its affiliates. I have included an interesting clip from Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" (June 1, 2009) that really jolted me to no end. I hope that this clip infuriates you about Mr. O'Reily's actions and choice of words.

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About this blog

This blog covers Programs of Interest/Usefulness, Amusing Pictures, Witty Anecdotes, Interesting Videos, Cool Sites, Awesome DIY Things, and the Various Opinions I have.